
Photo by Kristopher Roller / Unsplash

There's a lot to be said for intuition but as I get older and time becomes more precious, I think it is useful, especially in the presance of intuition, to pause before starting something substancial to ask what the purpose is and how you've got there. I've thought about this before but never articulated it in as clear a way as I hope to now and certainly not as publically. It feels like a good first post.

Modern theories on gender differences has among its hypothoseses that Men are more interested in Things and Women are more interested in People. I rather like the framework, anecdotally it fits my observational experience. Putting it this way is a simpification, there is of course a spectrum, a normal distribution, and the statement doesn't speak to capability (in addition to interest). See futher research links at the bottom of this post. Gender aside, its a useful dichtomy to retrospectively view my own journey in understanding the world.

When I was a teenager I started having seizures, the last of which I had six years ago. Various tests failed to diagnose a cause so me and my family started to look at what might be triggering them and the answer we settled on was stress, be-it physical or mental. This conclusion suited me very well - I'm an introvert and most definately more intersted in things than people. Things are understandable, you can reverse engineer things and split them into component parts which have quantifiable inputs, processes and outputs, thus to be somewhat or entirely predicatble in the way they behave. People - are more complicated!

Research links
